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We learn, have fun and improve our skills.

The badges are customised and detailed for each experience and include the competences, skills and knowledge acquired by the participants.

All the experiences of the Summer Academy are designed to blend fun and learning, convey passion, and develop specific skills that are certified through themed badges. Certifications are personalized and detailed for each pathway, including the competencies, abilities, and knowledge acquired by participants.

The badges can be collected through the H-FARM Summer Academy app

Digital Experience

The digital experience allows you to develop specific skills in the digital world, with hard skills that differ based on the chosen activity and soft skills:

Sport Experience

By choosing a Sport experience you will be able to develop specific skills in the sporting field, hard skills, based on the chosen activity and soft skills such as:

International Experience

During the international experience they allow you to develop specific linguistic skills based on the chosen experience (STEM & creativity, Tech & Society and H-Skills) as well as soft skills including:

Orientation Experience

The Orientation experience includes the provision of an Open Badge, through which the skills acquired during the course in the following areas will be recognised:


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